This Place
The Light-Community Fraternity of Aurora is a manifestation of the life of the spirit, an island of salvation, a space on the surface of the planet where we seek to experience new patterns of evolutionary behaviorwhich may lead us to live in harmony, fraternity and brotherhood with all Kingdoms.
It is a sacred placewhere we live in prayer and simplicity as the basis of spiritual work through which we find healing and redemption for our beings. United to love and knowledge, the essential pillars for the task that corresponds to us to live a new option, we seek to bring peace and balance to our humanity.
The Light-Community Fraternity of Aurora, as an institution, is affiliated with Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, forming part of a vast Network of Love and Service extended throughout the whole world.
Prayer and music bring us closer to the energy of healing and redemption that is expressed through the Marian Center of Aurora, a space consecrated to Peace, which manifests itself in one of the areas of the Community, a peace that can be lived by those who participate as permanent members and those who arrive as pilgrims.
All those who come with an open heart, without personal interests, only seeking to learn how to serve, aspiring to manifest the fruit of reconciliation and integration with life, find in Aurora a spiritually safe place to come into contact with the Divine Universe of God.

The energies of forgiveness, of purification, of redemption and of spiritual rehabilitation are doors through which each being that comes to Aurora entersin order to know, within these end of times, the correct path that may allow them to find themselves and to be at peace and thus, discover a genuine opportunity to evolve.
The Community lives a Christian celibate life, which aspires to highlight the values of evolutionary life with a simple, harmonious and sincere attitude. We invite all of those who visit us to adhere to this proposal during the time that you stay with us in order to be able to experience a higher and more impersonal contact that allows you to detach from ordinary life.
The Light-Community Fraternity of Aurora has existed for eleven years; Within the first five years, this fraternal space erected its walls with the help of all those who, obeying the voice of the Divine Hierarchy, offered their heart and hands to build al that we have up until today.
In this planetary time, in which so many changes and definitions come to humanity, the Light-Community Fraternity of Aurora is preparing to conclude the construction of this Island of Salvation. This may allow it to receive the pilgrims who will come from all over the world, seeking this greater life that will lead them to planetary service as a way to fulfill the mission that each one of us has come to fulfill in this world: to serve evolution.
As a center of integral attention to life, to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature, Aurora lives on spontaneous donations and needs the help of its collaborators and the like to continue its expansion, to enable it to support those who need it most; this is the reason why it was created.

Our history
Private apparition of the Virgin Mary to a group of service, in the surroundings of what is currently the area of Redención 1. She asked for a Center of Spiritual Rehabilitation and a Community to be built in this region.
In Brazil, this same group meets José Trigueirinho and the Light-Community of Figueira.
First Meeting of Prayer takes place in Salto, Uruguay, with 1,000 participants.
The Asociación Casa Redención (Association Redemption House) is founded.
The land where Redención 1 and the Marian Center currently is acquired.
The first construction is built in R1, called House of Restoration.
The Healing Center and the surrounding buildings begin to be built thanks to the brick campaign.
The Healing Points, where part of the spiritual process of healing and rehabilitation takes place, are marked.
Consecration of the first monastics of the Grace Mercy Order in Aurora.
From this year on, the Meeting of Prayer is carried out within August of each year, in the area of R1.
That which is now part of the area of R2, where the rest of the Community lives, is acquired.
Restrooms and the first housing structures are built in R2. The Community continues living in tents until the other houses are built in 2014.
The first crops are planted to produce food: fruit trees in R1 and plantations in R2.
The land that completes the area of R2 is acquired.
The area of R3 is acquired, where the community office, the administration and a large section for the service to the Animal Kingdom are installed.
The work with the Animal Kingdom increases as more animals arrive: cows, sheep, horses, geese, chickens and turtles. Abandoned animals are also sheltered.
It begins the task of service with people in need in the city of Salto.
First public Apparition of the Virgin Mary to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, with the participation of all those who were present in the area of R1. Within this same location, is founded the Marian Center of Aurora.
The Garden of Mary is created, with rose bushes around the tree of which the Virgin appeared aboved.

The construction of the Home of Adoration is finished, where the statue of Mary with the Aspect of the Divine Conception of the Trinity is placed.
The Fountain of Mary and the Portal of Peace are built at the request of the Virgin.
That which is now zone 10, within the area of R1, is acquired.
The procedures of spiritual healing and rehabilitation begin.
The Bell Tower of Peace is built.
Christ Jesus appears during an ecumenical communion in the Marian Center, and starts transmitting His Daily Messages.
The first Marathon of Divine Mercy is carried out with more than 1,000 participants, an event that is broadcasted to the whole world through Divina Madre (that is later called Misericordia María TV).
Consecration of the first residents of Aurora.
22 bedrooms are built for the Community in R2.
Celebration of the first Sacred Week in the Marian Center of Aurora.
The Bridge of Mercy is inaugurated.

The Chapel of Archangel Saint Michael is inaugurated.
The Blue Cross of Emmanuel is inaugurated in the 54th Marathon of the Divine Mercy.

Christ Jesus asks for the Sacred Center of Aurora Campaign in order to manifest the needs of the Community and the Marian Center.