The patterns of behavior are more than just rules of behavior, although they may be reflected on them. They are the possible expression, in a certain moment, of the divine Idea conceived for the humankind.
A spiritually mature individual seeks patterns of behavior each time more elevated, in spite of the internal and external resistances that they may find.
By seeking them, little by little they convert themselves into a crystal clear channel of the sublime energies from their own beings and from the Hierarchies.
- Love to the spirit.
- Honesty in actions.
- Harmony.
- Group equality, as the root to balance.
- Healing through the word.
- Charity.
- Fraternity.
- To keep the ascending vibration.
- To use the Word correctly, only the necessary.
- To collaborate in keeping inner joy in the community.
- To learn to develop faith, the science of peace and perseverance.
- Allow the love of the heart to follow the path to the conscience and from there, act.
- To love the new.
- To find in the Monastic Law, an impulse to ascension.
- To live the eternal present.
- To make of each day, a sacred ceremony.
- To always remember that fear is the opposition of love.
- To know that everything that comes from the Hierarchy is sacred.
- To vigil, praying united to the Hierarchy.
- To live the example of the Hierarchy.
- To live in the heart of the Hierarchy.
- To live under the instruction of the Higher Ones.
- To obey the instruction of the Hierarchy and to take care of it so that it may be fulfilled.
- To seek the guidance of the wiser ones.
- To love, protect and take care of those who guide us.
- To understand what it means to represent the human race and its evolution.
- To work for the reconciliation of all human beings.
- To always have in mind that the adults will be an example for the little ones and that these are the seeds for the new race.
- To recognize the Christs of the New Time among brothers and sisters and collaborate for them to achieve the goal.
- To be a conscious part of the healing channel of the Planetary Centers.
- To make of prayer and singing, a nourishment for the soul and an instrument of healing.
- To know that each soul that manages to be healed, means a step of Humanity.
- To be willing to heal and reprogram each aspect of the being that does not collaborate with the new patterns, with determination, honesty and harmony.
- To always put first the one who is hungry, feels cold or pain.
- To address your neighbor as a brother or a sister.
- To respect the evolutive process of the brother and the sister.
- To always have in mind that Christ waits to be rescued in the hearts of those who have the least.
- To have as a standard, in the heart, that the concepts of Christ, neighbor, brother and sister, are attributes of Fraternity.
- To love and take care of the Kingdoms as we do for ourselves.
- To open the door to consciously share with the devas.
- To live in harmony with all of Creation.
- To respect the cycles of Nature and let yourself be guided by them.
- In gratitude, commune daily with the Kingdoms when we eat.
- To have in mind that we can only see well with the heart.
- To know that we can only identify correctly with the intuition.
- To know that we can only judge well with understanding of the reasons.
- To have in mind that we can only adequately dialog with tolerance to different opinions.
- To know that we can only teach well by example.
- To live the principle of equality amongst all.
- To work consciously with the dissolution of the energy of power and property.
- Not allowing disorder and inertia to attract the energy of chaos to the community.
- To banish competitiveness from the community life.
- To arduously work on tolerance.
- Not to make assumptions or justify oneself.
- To dissolve the concepts of taking advantage and personal privilege.
- To prioritize the tasks that benefit all, no matter who does them.
- To live in full harmony, internally and externally, personally and in community, imprinting it in all the details of daily life.