Percibir que el servicio que presta no es suyo.
Consecration to God
In the consecrated life, the spirit externalizes and reflects within all things with greater freedom. As the beings submerge into the consciousnesses of God, and it begins to permeate them, their lives become consecrated. They are impelled to transcendence and dedicate themselves to the evolutive work, to the expansion of consciousness of humanity and of the planet.
The consecrated life is materialized with sacrifice, the art of turning something sacred, which includes constant renunciation to one’s very condition of human being, and the unconditional openness to the divine state.
When an individual becomes consecrated, they recognize that they are part of the higher Universe and begin to embrace broader spheres, so far unknown. They live to elevate everything that exists. They assume inner vows in practice because they know that the entire existence must reflect the surrender made to the Supreme.
Grace Mercy Order
The Grace Mercy Order is a religious organization of a Cristian, Ecumenical and autonomous character, not formally affiliated with any established religion. It proposes a monastic living through the consecrated life, which is based on the practice of the Christic teaching and selfless and altruistic service.
Founded in 2009, the Order tries to offer itself unconditionally as an instrument of the Divine Work, in communion with all human beings and the other Kingdoms of Nature. Above all, it has the proposal of a fraternal and communitarian life, consecrated to peace, to prayer, to good and to selfless service.

Monasteries of Aurora
Female Monastery
Monastery of Eternal Faith and Reconciliation
Male Monastery
Monastery of the Sacred Heart of the Lord
Female Monastery
Monastery House of the Sacred Devotion
Male Monastery
Monastery of Divine Mercy
Female Monastery
Monastery of the Assumption and the Divine Spirit
Male Monastery
Monastery of the Sacred Cross of the Redeemer